Tacoman Flying 1
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Schlitzkrieg 2019

This was an unofficial pax west event. Thanks to Jobiwan, WuShock and LexiconGrrl for hosting it. This was a pub crawl where we went to Everett, Whidbey island, Port Townsend, and Poulsbo. Sad that it’s the final one.

The party van we were in was cool. We had lots of snacks. Those piroshki’s from Piroshki Piroshki are so good. There were curry piroshki, cheese and potato, and salmon pate. There could of been more, but that’s what I remember.

The First stop was breakfast at Lowell’s in Pike’s Place Market. It was pretty good. I got a benedict. I was kinda disappointed when I asked about Todd’s benedict which was listed on their website and they didn’t know what I was talking about. Update your online menu!

The second stop was Aesir Meadery. The meads were great, the sasparilla mead was especially good. The coffee mead was also pretty good.

The third stop was Whidbey Island Distillery. The Loganberry liquor was so tasty. It would really work well as a syrup on ice cream.

The fourth stop was Whidbey Island winery. I’m not that crazy about wines, they were pretty good though.

The fifth stop was supposed to be Double Bluff. I was looking forward to the blueberry saison. Unfortunately the later ferry was sold out. So we had to take an earlier ferry and the other problem was that brewery wasn’t open till 3 or something. It wouldn’t of worked out time wise so we went to the sixth stop, which was Propolis in Port Townsend. We went to Sirens to get lunch first.

I had clam chowder and some calmari. I tried oysters again, turns out I’m just not crazy for them. Then we went to Propolis which is a wine beer hybrid. I really liked the guest cider there too.

The sixth stop was Discovery Bay Brewing. I think I had an IPA and a blonde. They were pretty good.

The final stop was Slippery Pig Brewing in Poulsbo. I had a mojito wit float and a cheeseboard. LexiconGrrl also gave me some of her nachos.

Overall I had a great time!

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